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Zachary A. Copes

Name: Zachary A. Copes
Breeds: Labrador Retriever,
City: Goose Creek
State/Prov: SC
Zip: 29445
Country: USA
Telephone: 919-559-6884
Other Information: Chocolate Labrador Retriever, female, just under 5 months old, name is Scarlett. Crate trained, potty trained, and obedience trained. Knows commands: SIT, STAY, HEEL, COME, LEAVE IT, and DOWN. Can be handled with whistles, hand commands, and voice commands. Have been training her every day since 7 weeks. Never used an electric collar only variations in voice emotions to control her. Can't keep her because my wife is leaving me and I'm in the Navy. Will sell her for cheap to any good owner. Will make one hell of a hunting dog someday if trained right and cared for well.

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