Pug, dog breeder - LAV PUGS Pug, dog breeder - LAV PUGS 

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Breeds: Pug,
City: ironton
State/Prov: ohio
Zip: 45638
Country: USA
Telephone: 917-536-2077
Affiliations: AKC and CKC
Other Information: LAV JellyRolls "Jelz", is a registered CKC male pug. He is in excellent shape, and has a very loving disposition. He has no health issues, nor have his offspring. Health clearance and updated on all shots/wormer. He stands within the ideal height of 14inches, legs are straight, he is very solid with excellent confirmation. His first litter was of six puppies, all healthy and all survived. The pair were only bred one time during the heat cycle. We are willing to travel with in reasonable distance, or the prospective dam may be brought to us pending current shorts, wormer, and no fleas. Feel free to contact with any questions! Stud Fee only, please no 'pick of the litter' offers.

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LAV PUGS Pug, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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LAV JellyRolls View Details  
300 (USD)
"Jelz", is a registered CKC male pug. He in excellent shape with a very loving disposition. He has...
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