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Sarah Fraley

Name: Sarah Fraley
Breeds: (Not a Breeder)
City: Covington
State/Prov: Oh
Zip: 45318
Country: USA
Telephone: 9374181297
Affiliations: AKC UKC NPBA
Other Information: Lil Hank is a gorgeous 3 yr old Bloodhound! He is a Search n Rescue dog that has been in training since he was 13 weeks old! He is also used at the Sheriff's Office I am employed at. He is a great trailing dog and has a great personality. I could not ask for a Better K9 partner! I want to breed him to get one of his offspring to start in training. He is a black n tan that weighs 104 lbs.

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Lil Hank View Details  
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Lil Hank is a gorgeous 3 yr old black n tan bloodhound. He is used for search and rescue at the...
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