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matthew boulby

Name: matthew boulby
Breeds: Labradoodle,
City: sheffield
State/Prov: south yorkshire
Zip: s124rn
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 07875633762
Other Information: Dexter is a 2nd generation Labradoodle f1b, beautiful black fluffy coat which doesn't malt, docile, intelligent, great swimmer, great with children, always has his photo taken by passes by, he loves the attention, He is around about 27inches to the shoulder, and about 35-40 inches in length, when he is standing up he comes to about 4 1/2 foot, He loves swimming, Fetching slippers, watching TV whilst getting brushed, Dexter is the son of a Labradoodle and a giant poodle, I have pedegree certification going back to great great grandparents. Situated in sheffield area, very good studding rates. Please get in touch with any questions or requests for more photos,

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